Chinese Quantum Method (CQM)
The Chinese Quantum Method, abbreviated as CQM, is a fantastic method that can be used effectively on its own or in conjunction with NLP. It is an extraordinary form of consciousness work that combines Eastern wisdom with applied quantum physics. The founder of this method, Gabriele Eckert, demonstrates CQM directly on individuals during her seminars to show its efficiency.
Table of Contents
- Definition
- Goal
- Gabriele Eckert
- Development
- Example
- Process
- Finding Weaknesses
- Comparison with Coaching Methods
- Learning CQM
- Literature
What is CQM? - Introduction to the Chinese Quantum Method
As a bridge between Eastern wisdom and applied quantum physics, CQM represents consciousness work in its highest form. It complements NLP excellently but is also a very effective method on its own. The basic idea of CQM is to consider what prevents us as humans from living the life we want. We are constantly in energetic interaction with the people and their thoughts around us, aiming to train perception so that one can connect to one's own "energy field" (or that of another person) with the goal of recognizing and neutralizing negative influences.
These influences arise when our energy cannot flow freely, exerting a hindering effect on our lives by drying up creativity and drive and causing stress, self-doubt, and even depression and psychosomatic illnesses. By neutralizing these influences, the free flow is restored, allowing one to break free from a possible victim role.
We make countless decisions every day, often without being fully aware of them. For example, if we are connected to someone through a partnership and that person is angry, we can often feel this vibration even when they are not near us. Many of our unconscious decisions therefore have effects on our environment, not only on family and friends but also on areas such as work and health, sometimes making it more difficult than it needs to be.
The Chinese Quantum Method, which anyone can learn, is about identifying and neutralizing these unconscious decisions. This means finding the influences that prevent us from achieving what we want in our lives and removing them so that they can no longer hinder us from our goals.
This involves training one's perception to connect to one's own and other people's energy fields. We bring our decisions and their causes into our consciousness to dissolve them energetically there.
In CQM, the person is the recipient of signals that block their own or another person's energy system. To perceive the signals, the recipient must become aware of them. To then pick up and correct the signals, it's not just about sharpening awareness but about internally saying two words:
"I correct."
It sounds as simple as it is, and anyone can learn it and use it for themselves in the various areas of their lives. Without having specific abilities, everyone is truly capable of learning and applying CQM. This includes being able to check the entire energy system of a person for energetic weaknesses, using the structured and detailed system to understand the areas of life and levels of influence, and what other causes of energetic weaknesses might be.
CQM is sustainable and does not involve rituals or hypnosis, nor does it require any specific philosophy. Furthermore, the deeply effective, energetic concept is ideal for self-application and application over long distances. The Chinese Quantum Method is the tool that helps us achieve more personal freedom and quality of life in all areas of life.
Applications of CQM
CQM can, of course, be applied to oneself initially. It doesn't matter whether it's about financial, health, personal, or professional challenges. However, CQM is also an excellent coaching, therapy, and consulting tool. It can be used to enhance performance in sports, address learning difficulties in school, tackle exam anxiety, deal with workplace stress, make career decisions, and much more.
Key Principles for CQM
- Lightness - The less one worries about neutralizing influences, the better it works.
- Intention - It is important to set a clear intention in consciousness. Clear intentions bring clear results.
- Neutrality - Do not make evaluations or jump to conclusions about the origin of a weakness.
The Aim of the Method – Shape Your Life with CQM
With the Chinese Quantum Method, you are now responsible for shaping your life, as you always have the opportunity to correct everything. Be conscious of the decisions you make every day because they determine how you want to live. The beginning of a positive life is correcting your negative thoughts; if something makes you sad, change it or at least try to deal with it differently. If something annoys you, change it and don't blame the circumstances. It is within your ability and responsibility to fill your life with joy, happiness, and love.
These consciousness-changing processes may not be compatible with your worldview, where knowledge is what can be seen and measured. What do you have to lose? Find out that the mind is capable of influencing matter by perhaps first engaging with the method. You can change your perspective on things, what you think about them, how you feel about them, and what you accept from this world.
You have influence over what happens in your life and are no longer a victim of circumstances.
The thought signals the body to feel the way we think, and since the brain is in constant communication with the body and constantly monitors its internal state, the brain also perceives how we feel. This, in turn, leads us to think what we feel, which in turn leads to more neurotransmitters being released so that we feel what we think. That means a cycle of feeling and thinking determines our "state of being," our feelings become a means of thinking. So, we must be able to think bigger than we can feel to change ourselves and our consciousness.
Free yourself from the patterns of your past. Overcome your limits. Our thoughts determine what becomes true for us and what does not. Do not spend your time dwelling on the past and getting upset. Focus on the present moment, on the here and now. Shape the present and build a tomorrow worth living for.
The unfulfilled past only drains your energy. It deprives you of the focused concentration on what you can really change. Realize that no one can dictate how you should feel. It's your decision. No one can force you to feel bad or think negatively. Use your thoughts to positively influence yourself. Mental imagery is the anticipated reality.
Who is Gabriele Eckert? – The Founder of the Chinese Quantum Method

Since her childhood, Gabriele Eckert has been exploring the reasons why we do or experience things that are not to our benefit. As a teenager, she was constantly engaged in seeking truth and searching for the secrets of life. In her Swabian hometown, she was the only active woman in Asian martial arts as a teenager. After school, she decided to train as a typesetter but shortly after, she studied media technology at the University of Stuttgart.
At a time without DVDs and the internet, Gabriele Eckert pioneered the development of interactive media, in the form of educational programs. Until the early 1990s, she went to California, specifically to Silicon Valley, an area south of San Francisco, where she worked as Vice President Marketing & Sales.
In addition to her profession, she intensively studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the EMDR method, Quantum Touch, EFT method, energy balance, hypnotherapy, meditations, relaxation techniques, remote viewing, and many other techniques, methods, and teachings. Her concern is to show people a way to a balanced and self-determined life by giving them a tool that enables everyone to take responsibility for their own lives and provides the opportunity to free themselves from emotional entanglements.
She has been dealing with various teachings and schools for 20 years, and the sum of all these experiences eventually resulted in the Chinese Quantum Method (CQM) and led to the founding of HyperVoyager - International Organization for Quantum Methods in California in 2002. In Germany, there is a HyperVoyager GmbH & Co. KG in Bönnigheim, which refers to Eckert. In developing the CQM, she set herself the goal of designing a simple technique that can be applied to oneself and others in any life situation, provided the person is ready for it.
The Chinese Quantum Method makes the effect of mental techniques in coaching and training understandable and is successfully used for therapy support, performance enhancement in sports, dealing with stress, learning difficulties, or exam anxiety in school, college, and profession, as well as in important career decisions. For a long time, these techniques were reserved for members of mystery schools due to their effectiveness. However, her vision was that CQM and the knowledge of CQM would become commonplace. Therefore, she always designs her seminars to be easily understandable and accessible without prior knowledge of the topic.
She is also a successful author of the book "Wenn Fische fliegen..." (When Fish Fly...), in which she extensively discusses the Chinese Quantum Method, a speaker and trainer in the USA and Europe, always striving to impart practical and valuable methods to the participants of her workshops.
How was CQM created? – Eastern Wisdom meets Quantum Physics
The Chinese Quantum Method is applied quantum physics combined with consciousness work and is based on the principles of human energy concepts, whose roots go back to the 5000-year-old Chinese and Oriental wisdom, combined with the insights of the latest quantum field theory.
The Shaolin monks in northern China passed on the fundamental knowledge about human energy, taught by the masters and further developed over generations. They linked their own philosophies and discoveries with yoga and other Oriental thought, learned from animals and nature, and acquired a comprehensive understanding of the connections between health and energy.
The other essence of the Chinese Quantum Method is the basic idea of quantum physics, which deals with the behavior and interaction of the smallest particles. It states that certain phenomena are quantized, meaning they do not occur continuously, but only in specific portions, called quanta. Furthermore, particles can exist in two or more places simultaneously.
At the base of matter, there is only one field that has the potential to materialize. Another phenomenon of quantum physics is the so-called wave-particle duality, which states that every radiation has both wave and particle character. Depending on the experiment performed, however, only one or the other appears. Among other things, Werner Heisenberg stated in his uncertainty principle that a conscious observer influences the measurement, whether he wants to or not.
Mind and matter are not as different as we have always believed because both are based on energy. CQM thus encompasses the concept that everything manifested in our lives has its origin in the subtle, in the universal life force. All living beings are permeated with this life force and supplied with energy. Further developed by the mental trainer Gabriele Eckert and shaped by her personal experiences, this method dissolves the energetic causes of an unwanted condition in seconds.
In doing so, influences of various kinds are taken into account, of which one cannot even imagine that they exist. We are talking about the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, karmic, astrological level, as well as the collective consciousness and other levels on which the problem could have its origin. With CQM, one can look into the subtle world, feel into it, and transform the weaknesses hidden there into positive strengths and thus correct them.
An Example of Application
Ronny and the World of Numbers
Ronny is in the 9th grade of secondary school and has a very serious math problem. Whenever he sits in front of his math notebook, he has extreme difficulty concentrating. It seems that the math problems just won't solve themselves. He spends hours on his homework and struggles to bring them to a positive conclusion. Ronny's tests are an absolute disaster, and he seems unable to get rid of the failing grade. His parents have tried everything to solve his problem in conventional ways – without success. Ronny has driven three tutors to despair in the last three school years, causing his parents to face a crisis of meaning.
By chance, they came across CQM. After identifying and resolving all the success-preventing factors related to Ronny's math problem using CQM, Ronny's difficulties disappeared completely. After CQM, Ronny only received grades of two and three. And instead of the feared failing grade, his final report card finally showed a grade of two.
The Unconscious Success Blockers in Ronny
What unconscious weaknesses were found in Ronny? With Ronny, the CQM coach mentally entered the school and "looked around" and "sensed". The CQM coach first corrected all weakening influences around the school building and the lessons. These included: the energetic connection of the desks to Ronny, the blackboard to Ronny, the smell of chalk, having to sit still, the connection to the math teacher, to the teacher's voice, to the textbooks, to the numbers.
When the CQM coach mentioned numbers, Ronny slumped in his chair. His breath caught imperceptibly. This is an indication that there are further energetic "entanglements" in his field around this keyword numbers. So the CQM coach focused his attention on numbers. Writing numbers, looking at numbers, seeing numbers, saying numbers. All of these activities weakened Ronny and were immediately corrected.
Having to pay something, having to pay off debts, paying debts, I'll get you back for that, were other concepts that weakened Ronny's energy field. When the statement "feeling guilty about numbers" was made, Ronny straightened up in his chair. He explained that his father is always at work and his mother is often very angry about it. When the father comes home, there are often arguments between the parents. Ronny's mother feels that his father should also take care of Ronny and his two-year-younger sister. "You seem to only care about your turnovers and numbers, we don't matter to you" is one of her standard phrases. After the arguments are over, there is tension in the air, causing a great deal of emotional stress for the whole family. Numbers are to blame, feeling guilty about numbers, not being noticed because of numbers, being punished because of numbers, not being loved because of numbers, being rejected because of numbers, numbers cause fear – these were the last corrections made with Ronny.
Process of the Chinese Quantum Method
Identifying Weaknesses
To prevent our energetic weaknesses from causing us to do things we don't want to do, we must identify them and bring them to our consciousness. For example, they prevent our motivation formation or even lead us to stress and self-doubt. They are weaknesses that make us ill without us noticing. Neutralization thus means a free flow of energy; if this is not given, we are forced into a reactive pattern.
The Chinese Quantum Method helps us identify and eliminate these energetic weaknesses. Through CQM, individuals actively participate in resolving unwanted decisions and old patterns, thus abandoning the victim role and taking control of their own thoughts and actions. -
During neutralization, attention is focused on exactly one energetic weakness that one wants to dissolve. It involves transforming this weakness into an energetic strength and mentally saying to oneself: "Correct!" This thought reorganizes our energy system, allowing energy to flow freely again. The effect often manifests immediately on the thoughts regarding physical weaknesses.
Where one starts the correction does not matter at all. Due to the constant interaction of our body with the surrounding fields, one can start correcting on both the physical and mental levels. A change automatically influences the other levels. Therefore, there is not one correction that solves everything; often several causes for the same problem are found, and they all need to be corrected. -
Principle of Ease
The most important principle is ease; the less one worries about whether it is the right time to correct or whether one is doing everything correctly, the better it works. One could consider CQM under the motto: "Just do it as if it were the most normal thing in the world!" But without forgetting what my clear intentions are, so that I can also achieve clear results.
Another important point here is neutrality; the whole process must remain impartial, meaning no attribution of causes in terms of labeling or making wrong assumptions. It is about your presence in the here and now and not about searching for errors in the past; do not be impressed by the apparent severity of a problem.
Even in the case of external application of CQM, work is done without physical contact, meaning, with the consent of the person who seeks help, I mentally access the energetic information field of the person to identify energetic weaknesses. These are then immediately corrected and neutralized. As a practitioner, I remain completely neutral and identify weaknesses in the other person.
Learning to neutralize weaknesses does not happen by reading alone; knowledge alone is not enough because CQM is learned through daily application, meaning practicing in terms of doing. Only personal experience brings about a deep conviction in us, an attitude that makes learning possible in the first place.
How to Identify Energetic Weaknesses?
In the end, identifying weaknesses is an intuitive process that relies on using our own bodily sensations. Many people have an underdeveloped awareness of their bodily sensations. In our culture, bodily sensations are not trained. Worse yet, in school, we were taught to "think" rather than "feel." As a result, the intellect is given too much weight, and we neglect our feelings.
To regain or enhance access to feelings, special exercises and techniques are practiced. The whole process has been shaped into a structured process that transitions smoothly into the free intuitive process with increasing experience.
CQM and Other Coaching Methods
The essential difference between CQM and most other methods is that with CQM, we do not search for what is missing. We do not deal with the lacking resources, the missing knowledge, or the right pill. Instead, we identify the existing situations in a person's life with which they disagreed. Events where there was inner and sometimes outer resistance. These situations are often repressed into the unconscious and continue to affect us unnoticed. By recognizing and subsequently correcting them, we can completely dissolve these entanglements.
Due to its simplicity of application, CQM is an ideal complement to almost all other coaching and therapy methods. Other methods can often provide valuable insights into the unconscious causes when working with CQM. Especially when combined with methods like NLP, systemic constellations, or family constellations. There are also great applications in alternative medicine.
How Easy Is It to Learn CQM?
For many people, it all sounds so unbelievably simple that they can hardly believe it. This is precisely the main difficulty to overcome. We must first neutralize the unconscious obstacles so that we allow ourselves the simplicity of CQM. In the right environment, we create positive references that change our beliefs at the deepest level. Basically, we apply CQM to everyone's problem: accepting the simplicity of CQM. Once a person has internalized the method, they can learn from themselves in the future. This is the main reason why you cannot learn CQM from a book or an article. Unless you already can!
Literature on CQM
Wenn Fische fliegen...
In this book, the founder of CQM, Gabriele Eckert, tells how she discovered the method and what she and others experienced with it.
For our computers, we do everything to protect them from viruses, trojans, and the like. And ourselves? Are there also viruses in the "human" operating system that prevent us from living the life we want?
Gabriele Eckert
Read more here:
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