Coaching Welt → Wissen → Coaching Methoden
A coach is not just a coach. This is partly because "coaching" is not a protected term. Secondly, a coach can specialize in so many different professional directions that each coach works individually. This is often reflected in the variety of methods that coaches list on their website and prefer to use. But what lies behind all these abbreviations and terms such as Systemic Constellations, Mental Training, Provocative Coaching, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
To give you an overview of various methods, we have compiled an overview for you. In this overview, you can learn about various coaching methods. Perhaps you are already a coach and would like to specialize in one of these areas. Or you are interested as a coaching client in the backgrounds of the methods that the coach you trust uses. You can scroll down the alphabetically sorted list or click on one of the letters to find only the coaching methods starting with that letter.
Table of Contents
In coaching, we talk about different coaching methods and coaching tools. From this perspective, a coaching method is like a toolbox that contains various tools – the coaching tools. To illustrate, here's a brief example: Gestalt therapy is a coaching method and includes coaching tools like the "empty chair," "contracting," and much more.
Coaching tools, coaching techniques, coaching formats, coaching interventions, and coaching methods are often lumped together and used interchangeably. This is perfectly fine when one wants to get a general overview. Under coaching methods, we understand a specific professional direction. Usually, there is one or more founders or "inventors" of these methods. It may also be the case that a method matures over the decades and it's no longer clear who first developed it. These coaching methods follow a certain theory or empirical values, adhere to certain premises (assumptions), for example, about the individual as a person and in relation to their environment. Within these coaching methods, which essentially form the "superstructure," we find individual coaching tools, techniques, and specific coaching formats. These can be used as instructions. Below on this page, you will find an overview of various coaching methods – they are listed alphabetically and are constantly being supplemented by us. If you don't immediately find a method, feel free to browse through our collection; perhaps it is listed under a different name or will be added shortly. So, feel free to check back regularly. An overview of numerous coaching tools, essentially the specific exercises within the coaching methods, can also be found with us.
With the abundance of existing coaching methods, it's sometimes not easy to find the right one for a specific coaching topic or concern. However, generally speaking, there is never just ONE method for a specific target group (e.g., executives, teams, families, etc.). The choice of the appropriate coaching method primarily depends on the coaching topic, that is, the concern that the client brings. For instance, systemic constellation work can provide a leader with more clarity about systemic interrelations within the company. Similarly, systemic constellation work can be used when a client with relationship problems wants to delve deeper into the belief systems of their family of origin.
The choice of appropriate coaching concepts and methods also depends on the client. What is their specific concern? Is it a leadership issue, a decision-making matter, a personal problem? Only then does it make sense to select specific coaching approaches. On our coaching pages, you will find a variety of free coaching knowledge, tools, and information. So that you can find the right method for yourself and your clients. Enjoy browsing!
So, if a coaching method is particularly often used in working with executives, this has to do with the coaching topics for which executives apparently often seek coaching. Against this background, we have put together some points of orientation. These should be understood as guidelines. If a method is not listed under a particular coaching topic, it can still be meaningfully used there. So, don't hesitate and browse to your heart's content.
Executives, among other things, have the task of leading and empowering their employees so that they can perform their work well and correctly. A large part of the leadership task therefore consists of good and successful communication. In addition, a leader is also part of the company and is integrated into the structure of the organization. Self-motivation or managing one's own energy is often a topic as well. Here is a selection of coaching methods that are particularly commonly used in working with executives.
When it comes to decision making, coaching methods with a wide range of applications provide good support, such as questioning techniques or neurolinguistic programming. Even more helpful than committing to a specific coaching method are concrete coaching tools for decision making that can be used across different methods.
Managers who want to motivate their employees or resolve conflicts within the team can benefit from the following methods.
Similar to methods for employees or groups, the following coaching methods are often suitable here as well.
Coaching and empowering groups also involve good communication, as well as special methods for group work. Here's a selection:
Systemic coaching methods enable clients to view their situation from various perspectives and understand complex structures. Depending on the context and coaching objectives, different systemic methods are suitable.
In job coaching, the choice of coaching concepts and methods depends again on the specific concerns of the client. Is it about changing jobs, reorienting professionally, career planning, burnout, or bullying? Or are conflicts with colleagues, superiors, or employees the focus? Here, specific, method-independent coaching tools are usually effective, such as SMART, the Wheel of Life, the SOAR Model, or the Ikigai concept.
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