Change of a Belief

A strategy to discard limiting beliefs and adopt new beliefs.

  1. Person A identifies some belief about himself that he does not like, some belief without which, if he did not have it, he would have more flexibility in behaviour - more choices. She does not communicate the content of faith B and C.
  2. Person B works out the submodalities of strong, unwanted faith.
  3. A then identifies any option where any alternative is acceptable, such as "I could have fish and chips for dinner, or maybe I find something else on the menu that would be more tempting. It does not matter which one I choose". This is the belief we call wishy-washy.
  4. B works out the submodalities of wishy-washy.
  5. B then leads A through the submodalities of the unwanted faith, transforming one by one into the submodalities of wishy-washy. Determine which change makes the biggest difference. Make sure to restore the submodalities to their original form before proceeding with the next change.
  6. A then identifies a faith she wants to have, which would be more useful than the old faith. This new faith is put into positive terms, it is seen as a process and not a goal. Follow up with an ecology check: "How would this faith, if she had it, affect others; her work? Is the faith in line with her values and the values of those close to her?" If necessary, modify the new faith to meet these conditions.
  7. Transform the new faith into the submodalities of wishy-washy.
  8. Then B (using the notes from step 5) instructs A how to make the old strong faith weaker and then bring it back as wishy-washy. For example, if the submodality that caused the greatest change in step 5 was distance, B would instruct A to move the old faith further away and then return it to the same distance as the wishy-washy.
  9. Then, let the new faith (images and sounds) shoot into the configuration of the old faith.
  10. Do a test and a future pace. B asks A what she now believes about herself. If A has this new faith, what will she do that she could not do before? A goes through a sequence of the new behaviour.

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