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Noam Chomsky developed transformational grammar. This forms the basis of the NLP Meta-Model. A short introduction will explain the main ideas of the transformation model. There are a lot of rules in our language that are mainly determined by grammar. In English we distinguish three categories of rules: 1. Well-formedness, 2. Unit structure, 3. Logical contextual relationships.
Which of the following three sentences sound well-formed?
The first sentence is well-formed, complete and grammatically correct. The second sentence sounded well-formed, but the content is unclear - therefore we speak of a semantically misspelled sentence. (semantics = doctrine of the meaning of the words). The third sentence is syntactically malformed, i.e., grammatically wrong. (syntax = sentence construction)
Sentences can be subdivided into units that belong together. You can easily recognize this in the following sentence:
“The Maharajah” and “of India” form a unity. They belong together. The “Maharaja” and the word “would” do not form a unity.
Whether a sentence is logical or not, whether it makes sense or not, is decided the feeling of the language. There are five criteria to decide if a sentence is logical or not:
The surface structure of a sentence is always what is literally said and can be represented in a structure tree (graphical representation of sentence structures). The words are grouped into units that belong together. Example: "The Meyer family bought a house." Here 3 units can be summarized, namely: The married couple Meyer / bought / a house. The deep structure is a complete, well-formed sentence. Example: "The Meyer family bought a house from their neighbors with money." A transformation is a transfer of the sentence from the deep structure to the surface structure. When a deep structure is linked to more than one surface structure, it is called synonymity transformation.
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