Landsiedel NLP Training → NLP → NLP Library → Walt Disney Strategy
This macro strategy goes back to Walt Disney, co-founder of the world-famous Disney Company. Disney was a person with very strong dreams and visions. He separated goal setting into three different phases and distinguished them precisely both spatially and temporally from each other. These phases or positions were: the creative dreamer, the realistic planner and the constructive critic. For each of these three positions, Walt Disney had a separate room, whose distinct equipment also helped him to get into a favorable mental state for each position.
If it should be necessary to make changes or refinements, run through the different positions until the critic agrees with the goal and its realisation. You can also change the order and for example go from critic to planner if the basic ideas are clear but the implementation is not yet ecological. Or you can go back from the planner to the dreamer, because the dream simply cannot be realised and you would like to have more detailed information about the realisation etc. Play around a little with this model.
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