Landsiedel NLP Training → NLP → Richard Bandler
Richard Bandler (1950 in New Jersey)
During the courses on Gestalt therapy Richard Bandler met John Grinder and asked him to join the group as an observer (supervisor). This developed into a collaboration in which they also exchanged roles. First of all, they described linguistically sound language patterns and developed their own communication model from these, calling it a "meta-model". This led to Bandler and Grinder's first joint book "The Structure of Magic I" (1975). Later they moved on to the analysis of non-verbal communication. Bandler and Grinder chose people as models who were exemplary in their field to find out what they did differently from others. They recorded the knowledge they gained in comprehensible steps. In retrospect, they called this process "modelling". Among the people modelled were Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson, Milton H. Erickson and Linus Pauling. Bandler also modelled the Israeli physicist and founder of the Feldenkrais School Moshe Feldenkrais.
Richard Bandler has decisively influenced or introduced several models of NLP, including the meta-model, the Milton model, Anchoring, reframing, supply change, nesting loops, submodalities, the timeline.
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